"Some will say, 'I belong to the Lord; others will call themselves by the name Jacob; still others will write on their hand, "The Lord's" and will take the name of Israel." (Isaac 44:5 NIV)
We are a forgetful people. In this morning’s reading, Paul David Tripp proposes that we struggle with fear when we forget about God’s sovereignty and grace. His words strike a chord in my heart; they hurt like truth. How forgetful I am.
“When you forget God’s sovereignty and His grace, you give room in your heart for fear to do its nasty, debilitating work.”
Paul David Tripp
Thankfully, God is familiar with our forgetfulness. Expects it. Even accounts for it. There is a popular saying running around right now; “When God put a calling on your life, He factored in your stupidity.” The word ‘stupid’ irks me; we are made in God’s image and He doesn’t make stupid. Perhaps the sentiment is better framed in less hurtful words: “When God called us He factored in our frailty.” He made us, He knows what we are capable of. As the Psalmist says, He remembers we are mud. God is well-aware of our limitations and continually makes allowances for them.

With this in mind, it seems like the Lord our God built divine reminders into ordinary life. The sun rises and sets, tugging our gaze toward the skyline. The seasons cycle, alerting us anew to His faithfulness. We tire, inviting us to rest in Him. He even asked His earliest followers to wear tassels and phylacteries to keep His promises close. Here, in Isaiah, some even wrote it on their hand. It makes sense; we are so very prone to blank out on our belonging.
Lately, I’ve been using the hourly reminder on my Apple Watch to turn my heart heavenward. A haptic twelve to fourteen times a day tugs my internal gaze toward the eternal. It’s a small thing, but it’s a start.
We must work to recall the Lord’s grace and sovereignty toward us. These two characteristics chase away our fears and stoke our hope. Our God reigns. He’s with us and He loves us enough to forgive; even our forgetfulness.
“As a father has compassion on His children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him’ for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.” (Psalm 104:14 NIV)
Lord, please forgive us for our forgetfulness. Help us find systems of discipline that snag our attention. Keep Your sovereignty and grace in front of us, that fear would have no hold on us. Fill our field of vision with Your presence. Amen.