Complaint or Inquiry

“You grumbled in your tents and said, the Lord hates us: so He brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us.”
(Duet. 1:27 NIV)

The Israelites grumbling led them to make false assumptions about God’s agenda – assumptions that escalated into nasty accusations. They lost sight of God’s character. They misplaced His track record. They had the same choice we do when life gets tough: we can complain or we can inquire.

Growing up, my mother taught us that it is always ok to ask a question.

Don’t forget, God is with us!!! He was with the Israelites in the pillar of cloud-fire and He is with us in Spirit-infilling. We needn’t complain, we can just ASK. We can ask for nearly anything: help, insight, strength, clarity, and physical needs like food and drink. We can ask for healing, for a plan, for rest, for supernatural empowerment. When we complain, we forsake asking. We forget that we are walking with the most powerful entity in our universe. Grumbling seems like a pretty weak use of our extraordinary coordinates. We can gripe or we can inquire of God for the tools necessary to move us forward with His will.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NIV)

Complaint is rebellion and ultimately, disobedience.
Inquiry is the next step towards obedience.

We can complain or we can look up with expectant hearts – “Yes, Lord, but how? Yes, Lord, but help.” – may be the most powerful conversation we can have with our Creator. Inquiry says; “I want to obey, show me the way.”

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing…” (Philippians 2:14 NIV)

Lord, we see how grumbling can lead us to false assumptions, even accusations against You. Forgive us and redirect our hearts toward inquiry. We often lack because we do not ask. Help us to recognize Who we are walking with. Grow our confidence in Your ability to supply all things according to Your riches and glory. Amen.

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