Complacency and Disinterest

“And punish those who are complacent… who think the Lord will do nothing, either good or bad.” (Zephaniah 1:12 NIV)

Complacency isn’t excusable. Neglecting to take an interest in God will not insulate us from His wrath.

I have heard God described by some as a disinterested watch maker: a deity who set the world in motion and then stepped away to tend to other tasks. This text tells us that holding to such a belief is wrong and punishable.

When we consider the whole of creation, it is clear that God is still involved. The evidence of His ongoing contribution on earth confronts us each and every day. Ann Voskamp is truly the one who alerted me to this reality: if one has eyes to see, the evidence of His benefactions are far-reaching. He is a good God who gives good gifts to a woefully debased and ingrate people.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His internal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20 NIV)

This cat epitomizes complacency and disinterest, doesn’t he?

Complacency or perceived disinterest are not valid grounds to ignore or dismiss God. We all have opportunity acknowledge Him as Lord, we all face the consequence for our denial of His deity.

Lord, please alert us to our complacency and misconception about Your deity. Open our eyes to see Your invisible qualities on full display about us. We realize we are without excuse. May we put all our trust in You. Amen.

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