Coming In From the Cold

“Don’t forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders.” (Ephesians 2:1 NLT)

This morning I am deeply grateful that the love and power and sacrifice and mercy of Jesus Christ has brought me in from the outside. His blood bought my invitation and His kindness has brought me near.

We’ve been in Texas for a little over two years again, but I still vividly remember winter in northern Iowa. On the plains where we lived, the wind blew for hundreds of miles with nothing to stop it. The temperatures often stayed below zero and there were a handful of days where we sat at -29 degrees. This was real temp, we won’t even talk about wind chill.

The thing about living in a land with winter is that you really get an appreciation for coming in from the cold. There is nothing snugger then being out in the blustery snow and ice one moment and then in the next being welcomed into a cozy home with warm radiators and steaming cups of coffee or cocoa. In the winter we step inside our friend’s cocoon of warmth, shed our boots and coats by the door and are immediately enveloped in the warmth and love of relationship.

Friend, this is precisely what Christ has done for us. We were outsiders, in the frigid isolation of our sin. And Jesus, through great sacrifice and greater love, has invited us in. He’s got the heat on and hot drinks steeped. Who can we invite in from the cold this Christmas? Who needs to hear the life-saving gospel of Jesus?

“Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.” (John 14:23 NLT)

Lord, today we understand anew the gift of Your open door to us. We were outsiders, but we’ve been brought near by Your blood and love. Thank You for Your rescue when we least deserved it. May we live in response to the Home we’ve found in You, bringing others into the warmth of Your fellowship. Amen.

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