Coming in As King

"A large crowd of Passover visitors took palm branches and went down the road to meet Him. They shouted, "Praise God! Blessing on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hail the King of Israel!" (John 12:13 NLT)

I woke up bleary this morning, as one does when they are crawling out of an exhaustion-induced twelve hours of sleep. The weekend’s work took it’s toll and all my joints joined in the protests.

When I opened my bible app, I was surprised to see it was already Palm Sunday. The last time I had written the date it was still March. 🙂 And then I was met with this beautiful imagery of our Savior riding in as King. I could close my eyes and feel the press of the crowd, hear the shouts of Hosanna and feel the whisper of palm branches passing by. The King has come. How will we receive Him?

This reality re-engaged my heart; shifting it out of exhaustion and into awe. The King has come.

I spent the week with Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg carefully expounding on Jesus’ Jewishness. They the anointing at Bethany as a king’s anointing more than a burial blessing. I had never considered it, but it makes so much sense. Saul was anointed as King before he took the throne. David and Solomon, also. Anointing was part God’s path to kingship and so much of Jesus’ public trial was about His claim to the kingdom.

Consider Pilate’s accusation anew: “Are you the King of the Jews?”

Notice Jesus’ head-scratching response. “Is that your own question?” (John 18:33-34)

The kingship of Christ in this dispensation is not a reality thrust upon us, but an invitation to come under his reign. His first coming; in peace, presents the option of Lordship. His second coming; in justice, will not be as docile. Again I ask, how will we receive Him?

Kingship includes surrender. It includes absolute trust in His sovereignty and acquiescence to His will. It includes tributes (tithes) and adherence the law He represents and the calendar He commands. On this glorious Palm Sunday, will we receive Him as King?

"Don't be afraid, people of Jerusalem. Look, your King is coming, riding on a donkey's colt." (John 12:15 NLT)

Lord, today we see You anointed as King, coming in peace on a donkey. Reign in our hearts and minds. Help us to learn to live within Your rule, happily surrender to Your commands, content to concede to Your perfect will. Amen.

**As I was writing this, I noticed the last lyrics to a worship song Rob was playing in another room. I hope you’ll take a moment to listen to “The King Is Here” and reinforce your commitment to His reign in your heart today.

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