Coming Close

“The people remained at a distance while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.” (Exodus 20:21 NIV)

Most people maintain a safe distance from God. We (like the Hebrews) prefer for someone else to confer with the Almighty on our behalf. Getting close to God is too scary, He may require too much. We fail to recall that on the other side of the dark mystery surrounding Him, is inapproachable light.

We know it because in Egypt; God covered the Egyptian land in darkness but He bathed Goshen in light. At the Red Sea, the cloud of God cast a deep shadow on the enemy but provided a holy night light for the people of God. And even reading on, in Exodus 34, Moses’ face shone as he descended the mountain.

“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken to God.” (Exodus 34:29 NIV)

There is a blessing in coming close to God that cannot be described in words or pictures. The glow on Moses face was inconsequential compared to what had occurred in his heart. His shining countenance was merely an outward signal of an inward transformation. And in our current dispensation of grace, such nearness and transfiguration is available to any believer brave enough to come close. God longs to meet personally with His people. But it’s fear that holds us back.

“So when Aaron and the people of Israel saw the radiance of Moses’ face, they were afraid to come near him.” (Exodus 34:30 NIV)

We see the faces of those transformed but the power and presence of God and we wonder, what it cost to climb so close? What might the Lord require of me? What secret sin or hidden addiction or out of proportion affection must I abandon to draw near to a holy God?

So we stay away. We live at a safe distance, consequently ill-equipped to follow His commandments because we haven’t found the courage to submit to the mighty rush of empowering wind.

This season of social distance offers a unique opportunity to come close to the God who sustains us all. My mentor-friend and I were discussing it yesterday; how in this pandemic our day timers and to-do lists have been wiped clean leaving our days and nights wide open for God encounters. It is our prayer that God would move mightily in these days because His people have made a conscientious move toward Him.

Lord, forgive us for maintaining safe distance from You. We recognize that on Resurrection Sunday, You tore the veil and gave every believer unrestricted access. But we are still scared. We still dither and delay, afraid of what we may find on Your holy mountain. Please pardon our fear and infuse our souls with courage to climb close to You. Change our faces, Lord. Transfigure us in Your powerful presence. Amen.

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