Coming Back Full

“Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wild.” (Luke 4:1)

The lush Jordan River.

Jesus left the Jordan for the Negev. That may not mean a lot if you’ve never set foot in Israel, but picture with me a lush, green, well-watered land (Jordan) traded off for a stark, dry ,dusty expanse (Negev). That’s what Jesus did when He set out into the wilderness in obedience to the Spirit. And sometimes, the Spirit asks the same of us.

The wilderness of the Negev.

I have a dear friend who was just led out into the wilderness. If we’re being honest, she’s not too thrilled about spending and unknown number of months in no-mans-land. Yet, the Spirit goes with her. Her wilderness is not a surprise to God. I’m a hundred percent certain that she’ll come home wiser and closer to her Savior than she’s ever been. How do I know this? Both biblical examples and the witness of my own story have solidified this truth.

I’ve also noticed that the Spirit calls special people into stark seasons with Him. Consider Joseph. Moses. Elijah. John the Baptist. Jesus. They each came back not broken by the experience, but strengthened by the Spirit.

“Jesus returned to Galilee powerful in the Spirit.” (Luke 4:14 MSG)

Something happens in barren places that maybe can’t take root in the green spaces. Something essential shifts in us when al the comforts and conveniences are stripped away. We get desperate for God and He meets our desperation with more of Himself. We come back fuller, stronger, more sure of our purpose.

Would you please pray for my friend as she adjusts to her wilderness assignment? Would you believe with me that she will meet God in no-mans-land? Pray that she comes home more full of His Spirit: with laser-like focus on her divine purpose. And if you are in a wilderness season, I pray for you, also, that you would find fullness in an emptied out life.

Lord, we’d be lying if we said we liked wilderness seasons. But we do appreciate the results of such exploits. We realize You lead us hard places on purpose. Wilderness is where we grow the deepest roots, the heartiest hearts. Please sustain us in stripped-down seasons. Help us look for and find You. Bring us out full, back int green-spaces of life further refined and topped off with Your Spirit. We see how wilderness seasons further Your purprose. May we cooperate with Your leading even when it’s against our liking. Amen.

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