Circadian Rhythms

“At twilight you will eat meat and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” (Exodus 16:12 NIV)

A few days into the desert and the Israelites fell into a circadian rhythm of divine provision. They awakened to sweet flakes on the ground as dew (His lovingkindness) and fell asleep with quail meat in their teeth (His faithfulness). This is how they knew God. They lived in and were sustained by the reality of His divinity. He fed them, but He also led them, protected them, provided for them. They met that truth in the morning, when they rubbed the sleep out of their eyes and again in the evening when they fell asleep with full bellies.

A few weeks back I found this verse and it’s been instrumental in forming my own daily rhythm of gratitude.

“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your name, O Most High, proclaiming Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night.” (Psalm 92:1-2 NIV)

I awaken each day and refocus on the fullness of His love. It’s poured out freely on me, on humanity, like the woman with the expensive nard. I collect my manna in the early hours: essential spiritual nutrition for the day’s adventures. And at the close of each day, as I drive off, I meditate on His faithfulness. Like the Israelites, His fidelity fills my frame as I fall asleep. These two practices keep me from complaint; keep me focused on my awesome Sustainer. He is good and He has us. When I feast on His lovingkindness at dawn and His faithfulness at night I know that He is good. I live in the Garden again.

Lord, help us gather up Your lovingkindness in the early hours and chew on Your faithfulness in the evening. Establish this circadian rhythm in our lives. Help us identify and celebrate Your goodness in every page and paragraph of our story. Steady us as we seek to honor You in the wilderness, on our way to the Promised Land. Amen.

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