Some Will Sing

“But there are some who will break into glad song.” (Isaiah 24:14 MSG) Amidst a very grim chapter on the devastation of the earth, this scripture stands out in stark contrast. Some will languish and wither, some will groan and some will be laid waste.…

Every System

“By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at His hand.” (Hebrews 11:3 NLT) In school, science was always a favorite subject of mine. My dad was a high school botany teacher, so we spent my childhood making observations about our natural world.…

A Seed in the Stumps

“The country will look like pine and oak forest with every tree cut down – every tree a stump, a huge field of stumps.” (Isaiah 6:12 MSG) Have you ever surveyed your life and felt like this? All your effort, all your prayers and petitions…

Misplaced Hope

“Listen to my cry for help, my King, and my God, for I pray to no one but You.” (Psalm 5:2 NLT) Since my husband is an incessant Star Wars fan, this scripture always brings to mind Princess Lea and her holographic message to Old…

One Flesh

“The Man said, “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:23-24 MSG) Though my husband and I…

In the Garden

“Then the Lord planted a garden in the east, and there He placed the man He had made.” (Genesis 2:8 NLT) They say that life began in a garden. We look to scripture and see it’s true. And though Adam and Eve were ousted from…