“Not one person on this list had been among those listed in the previous registration taken by Moses and Aaron in the wilderness of Sinai.” (Numbers 26:64 NLT) There were two censuses taken in the wilderness. The first happened in the first chapter of Exodus.…
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The Lord holds out robes of righteousness for each of us – robes we’ll need to grow into.
It seems mature believers sing in all situations, wherever their tent is pitched.
Modern culture tries to reduce the gospel to ‘God is love’ but many miss the larger truth that obedience is how we love God in return.
Farm country truths have spiritual application as well: everybody plants something and you get what you plant.
Every day we rail against our enemy is a small sacrifice in light of the Land we are gaining.
The truth is, a meal with dear friends has always been a gift, we just struggle to see it amidst all our excess.