“Trembling and bewildered,the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone because they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8 NIV) Fear keeps us from fulfilling God’s instructions to us. Fear of discomfort. Fear of judgment. Fear of consequence. Fear of embarrassment. Fear…
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The Marys stayed close and served well until nothing else could be done for the cause of Christ.
I have a great deal of respect of Joseph of Arimethea because he had something I lack: high risk tolerance.
Being pursued by a God of second chances means we can stand over the death of our dreams and still, God can breathe them back to life.
It’s not by happenstance that two terribly guilty souls hung beside Jesus that Friday morning – it’s an illustrated sermon in black and white and blood.
The ugly and impossible tasks that God brings into our story: those might be the very places where the character of Christ is most powerfully formed in us.