Keeping A Record

We fail to recall how the job we hold is an answer to prayer, the roof over our head, the car we drive, the spouse we come home to. We forget about the healing we’ve prayed for, the wayward child who’s found God again, the doctor’s report that came back benign, the happenstance meeting that was truly divine appointment. How many times we do our love ones get back safe, despite deer and storms and drunk drivers? God answers prayers but we suffer soul amnesia.

An Unpopular Prophet

“You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me.” (Jeremiah 20:7 NIV) Jeremiah’s obedience to the Lord caused him great distress. He had been instructed: don’t marry, don’t have any children. Don’t…

Recalling Past Performance

I believe God gives us emotional high points: lush, well-watered seasons and mountaintop moments to sustain us through the tough days, too. Such experiences can provide enough emotional and spiritual fuel to push through the dry and quiet times, if we’ll only develop the discipline of going back for refreshment.

Live Oaks

As believers, we are called oaks of righteousness; a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor. Like the glorious live oaks of the coastal region, we are created to stand firm and provide a place of respite amidst our branches. Hurting people find hope, rest and manna within the well-watered limbs of a thriving, growing church.

After Calvary

“Contend with those who contend with me, fight against those who fight a against me. Take up shield and armor; and come to my aid. (Psalm 35:1-2 NIV) Sometimes we forget that the Lord is fighting our battles. Amidst the revolutionary war for our soul;…