We read the account of the insubordinate leper and and we realize our disobedience yields Kingdom consequences. Why is it so difficult for us to follow God’s instructions?
Category: Devotions
A believer’s assurance about the afterlife in the face of death is their last witness on earth.
We look at the Judas narrative and realize it takes great courage to return to the Savior, but that is where the power is.
Shame is the apparel of the enemy – it’s how he identifies his own. It’s part of his indoctrination. Hitler issued brownshirts and Satan issues shame. And shedding the enemy’s attire takes effort; it takes time and it requires the power of God in our frame.
“From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler.” (Zechariah 10:4 NIV) We read Zechariah 10 and we remember that Jesus came from Judah. He is the cornerstone, the tent peg, the battle bow…
My relationship with my spouse is a living entity: subject to change, entropy, disease and death. It will never be perfect because it is a covenant between two fallen people still learning to cooperate with the sanctification process. Maintaining a healthy marriage will always require work: attention, intention and prayer. Even with proper care and feeding, marriage is still often tarnished and fraught with extenuating circumstances – the clouds and inclusions of a life lived together.
Our ‘yes’ to God has profound impact beyond our personal story. Just as sin casts wide-spread ripples, so does righteousness.
“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done…
“Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall.” (Nehemiah 5:16 NIV) I’m home from my journey and I’ve gotten a good night’s rest. But Dr. Beth Grant’s words still swim in my head. “Stay on the wall.” she said. Beth had led our…
Can we take a moment and be glad for the prevailing love of God in our individual and collective story?