Obedient Shepherds

The Bethlehem shepherds had begun their evening quite ordinarily. They were tending to their sheep in their usual way. I think of these men keeping watch in dark pastures and I’m reminded that everyday obedience is expected before we are entrusted with the opportunity for extraordinary obedience.

Divine Timing

Friend, be assured, God makes it all lovely by the very end. Isn’t that a comfort when we wait in the tension of today? In what feels to be the last long stretch of not quite right? Whatever you are facing this morning: lack or loss or even utter silence, take some time to reflect on these scriptures and stretch out your trust once more.

Prince of Peace

The term Prince of Peace is not an optimistic claim on Christ’s life and ministry but an accurate description of who Christ is. Peace is a Person and this Person left heaven and lived on earth as an olive branch extended toward humanity. He came as a babe in a manger to grow up and build a bridge of peace between God and man.


I don’t know about you, but ‘subverting’ isn’t a word I employ on a regular basis. Whenever I encounter an unfamiliar word in scripture, I look it up to ensure accurate understanding. ‘Subvert’ does not disappoint.