In the crush of grief, Jesus asks us, really dares us, to look more closely at Him and to hold out for His forthcoming reality. As believers, our existence will not end in death. Our loved ones fall asleep and when that sleep comes we’ll be tempted to forget about the promise yet to come. That is why it is imperative that we pull close to our Savior and trust His report over our own crashing emotions.
Category: Devotions
Jesus will routinely take us to unpopular and even dangerous places. He will inevitable lead us to locations we’d rather avoid altogether.
We try to give God pointers on how to further His purposes here on earth. (Maybe not you, but it’s a bad habit of mine, for sure!) How quickly we forget, we are unqualified! We are servants, not sovereign.
So often we run from God believing the lie that living for Him will somehow be more miserable than living apart form Him.
Pause with me for a moment and revel in the reality of the God of heaven slowing down to sit with us in our sorrow. Note, He is not inexperienced with suffering: Jesus has walked on earth in flesh and subjected the Godhead to the excruciation of temptation, the trauma of sin and even death. God is not too far-off to understand or too insulated to empathize.
cemetery, darkness, grief, restoration, loss, recovery, wholeness, presence, Immanuel
“He who was seated on the throne said “I am making all things new! And then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”” (Revelation 21:5 NIV) My husband delivered the remarks in yesterday’s service, and this scripture in Revelation was…
All includes a lot. That little ‘all’ requires trust in good times and in bad. On mountaintops and in valleys alike. In excess and lack. In prime health and poor health. On fine spring days and blustery blizzarding nights. In surety but also in chaos. With addition and subtraction. On birth days and death days and the dash that lies between. We are pressed, even dared to trust Him at all times.
Being still is not my suit. I wonder if you can relate? I’m a planner, a do-er, a get-er-done kind of gal. Yet I limped through the last week of 2021 in stillness; assuaged with sorrow.