The cure for our hunched over heart is close contact with the Word.
Category: Devotions
We follow in sacred footfalls when we choose to follow the path of righteousness marked out by our Good Shepherd.
We read of God’s instructions for King Solomon and realize that integrity of heart and faithfulness are impossible apart from the Father. Proximity breeds purity. Distance produces degeneration. We must stay near to God; on the heels of his holiness. We cannot live for Him on our own.
One of the ways the enemy obtains a foothold is by taking our water supply.
How we respond to loss – self-inflicted or otherwise – is critical to the outcome of our life.
“When Ish-Bosheth son of Saul heard that Abner had died in Hebron, he lost courage, and all Israel became alarmed.” (2 Samuel 4:1 NIV) Ish-Bosheth lost the war in his own heart before he lost the war in his land. He did what we are…
Droughts send roots deeper. There is a hidden and desperate perseverance developed in such seasons and it’s not a bad thing. As we dig, we discover that God is far larger than we first suspected.
We cannot keep functioning well with raw feelings unattended. We need to take time to express them upward and receive the peace of God in return. Otherwise we run the real risk of displacement: making a bystander pay for a crime they didn’t commit.