Category: Devotions
We apply the blood of our Savior to our personal ledger through repentance and we apply the blood to the ledger of others through forgiveness.
The habits I learned while my mother was dying have sustained me ever since.
Sin and self mar our every effort. Our short-sightedness interferes with our ability to make sound judgement.
The Kingdom is built by forgiving people. Period. We ourselves have been forgiven of much. How could we be anything less?
David did everything in his power to to set his son up for spiritual success.
If we’ll keep showing up with our scant jar and jug each day and pouring ourselves out to God first, He’ll surely sustain us.
We come close enough to experience His protection. We are anointed and overflowing when we choose to live in intimate connection with our Shepherd. We insulate our souls from exile when we knit ourselves to Him.