When the peace of God permeates our souls, we inherently know that even if the very worst happens, the best is yet to come.
Category: Devotions
When we rest on the proverbial couch of Christ’s practice, we invite His presence into all the corners of our story.
We know we have received Christmas rightly when we refuse to pack away our awe, our wonder and our joy over a Savior who’s come to live with us, to dwell in us.
“When the angels had returned to heaven the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the…
Wise men and women set their faces toward the Savior in the last hours before Christmas.
Looking back at my unremarkable adventure book experience, I see a metaphor for my walk with God. I still tend to stick to the safe route; the measured, appropriate path. But the real adventure begins when I trust the Lord enough to let go of my personal plot-line and follow along as He reads aloud. There are, in fact, whole pages of faith that we will never turn to unless He is the sole author of our story.
Merry Christmas friends! I had the opportunity to share on the South Texas Women’s Blog this week and thought my readers might enjoy the read. Blessings to you and yours! Anna: Worshipful Waiting