In their pride, they believed that the vineyard and wine belonged to them.
Category: Devotions
Zacchaeus’ desperation and devotion caught the attention of the Messiah, and Jesus rearranged His important plans to sit with such a dedicated man.
My human frailties propel me into Jesus’ presence. But spiritual maturity makes me ask: how can I serve the body of Christ today?
Despite rejection and disdain, Jesus still operated with the utmost compassion.
We are headed to the wilderness either way: of our own volition with Jesus or by Satan’s extortion.
Simon didn’t see what Jesus was doing until it was very nearly done. This is often the case for us, too. Our human frames limit and inhibit our perspective.
In order to stay in the shadow of the Almighty all day long, we must draw closer as the day drags on.
Solitude, storms, and home-going are each crucial coordinates in our faith voyage.