“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge it’s rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” (Proverbs 24:1 NIV)
When I think of rooms filled with treasures, I picture a library laden with books. In my minds eye, I see floor to ceiling built-in shelves loaded with rare copies leather and linen bound alike, complete with ladder rail system to access the whole collection. There are worn leather chairs with bronze lamps and window nooks with velvet pillows; invitational spaces to curl up and get lost in a good book.
The book of Proverbs is just such a place. It is a treasure trove of wisdom and a favorite haunt of many daily Bible readers. If we listen and apply Solomon’s wisdom, we will eventually find ourselves wise. This truth is laid out clearly in the first few verses of the book and reinforced throughout. Solomon is historically viewed as the wisest man in the scope of history; he is a trusted source.
“The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young – let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the the discerning get guidance – for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings of riddles of the wise. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:1-7 NIV)
Having read scripture every day for many years now, today’s text came alive to me this morning. Wisdom has built my house – and honestly my house looks a lot like a library. We first dug out the foundation in childhood through Sunday School and VBS and catechism classes. Then we installed beams and tresses at youth camp and MYF meetings. As a young adult, I joined my local church: faithfully attending not just Sunday mornings, but discipleship classes and Sunday evening services and serving in youth ministry. All these instances added shingles and siding. My library house was beginning to look more like a home and less like a construction site.
The real progress came far more quickly when I began regularly engaging with scripture myself. A personal bible-study habit ran plumbing and electric, hung sheetrock and framed out my beliefs and convictions in accordance with the blueprints provided in scripture. My library house was no longer just a facade, but a home to live and work within; a warm and cozy place to receive and treasure others.

Today’s text reminds us that wisdom and knowledge are how we fill our bookcases with beautiful things. We get in God’s word every day and allow Him to lead us in revelation and understanding. We gather wisdom in His presence and it lives in our house from then on. For many years now, I have sat in the Word at the start of each day and as a result, my spiritual house is richly appointed.
“A good man bring good things out of the good stored up in his heart, (Luke 6:45 NIV)
A life spent in God’s word results in a man or woman full of wisdom. Such a person is a tremendous blessing to their family, their friends, their community and anyone whom their life comes in contact with. On Wednesday of this week, our fellowship parted ways with just such a man. The founding pastor of our historic church passed on, and with him a wealth of knowledge and insight. Eighty-six years young, this dear soul went home.
The very next day, I sat in my monthly book club discussing a volume I had not opportunity to delve into. I merely went this month for the fellowship and community connection, and of course that great cup of coffee. 🙂 It was said in that conversation that in Senegal, when a person passes away that their library has burnt down. I immediately thought of our dear founding pastor: eighty-six years of experience and wisdom, countless exchanges with God and His people. What a treasure of knowledge this man was, and how inaccessible he is now.
Before I could get too low with that thought – the one about his library burning – the Spirit quickened me. This pastor, and every other Christ follower who has gone before us, is not burned down or snuffed out. Their collection has moved. Their library house, along with all it’s spiritual treasure, has been relocated to a heavenly address, where all their accumulated wisdom (and more) is still quite intact. We just don’t yet have the library card to visit. Our zip code has to change first.
Friend, I write all this to encourage you. Get wisdom. Get understanding. It is a treasure that will assist you all along the way in this life and it will continue to delight you in the next.
Lord, we are so glad that You have placed wisdom and understanding within our reach. What treasures You have entrusted to us in Your word! May we cooperate with Your prescribed method; may we spend ourselves at Your feet. Fill us up as we pay careful attention to Your good instruction. Help us to hold on to Your teachings and give heed to Your Word. Build a beautiful spiritual home for us that will surely stand for eternity. Amen.