“Then the disciples understood…” (Matthew 17:13 NIV)
Peter, James and John had ascended the mountain with Jesus and got a glimpse of what was really going on in the world. For a split second; things made perfect sense. But, of course, human frames cannot stay on the mountaintop with God for too long and when they descended Jesus began speaking in riddles again. Some of it they understood, but some insight they wouldn’t gain for weeks and years to come.
Today I am thankful for the divine revelation and understanding that comes from walking and talking with God. What a blessing it is when we have opportunity to come close! We are deeply blessed when we are invited to scale the mountain alongside our Savior and see, even if for a brief moment, what it is He’s really accomplishing here on earth.
This past weekend, I had such an experience. I drove to Kerrville for a ladies retreat and as I pulled in to Hill Country Camp I recalled the spiritual significance of this plot of land in my family’s story. Callings have occurred here. Healings have happened. Surrender and sanctification had all been a part of our testimony on this sacred lot.
The weekend progressed and services were amazing. The power of God was present. The Word went forward and souls responded. Altars were open and women were filled and refilled. At one point I made my way to the corner of the sanctuary where a decad ago I had argued with God about ordination. I climbed in that corner and thanked Him profusely for pursuing me with passion. I can’t fathom my life apart from my calling: it has been hard but also holy and beautiful! His grace for me has been sufficient.
On Friday we made our way up Prayer Mountain. I stood at the cross and surveyed the valleys below and like our disciples, my story became quite clear in that moment. It was from that high vantage point that I could see all that God could carried me through. I could see the iniquities that He had carefully burned off. I could understand the path that He had picked our way through in recent years. And I could appreciate what He is accomplishing.
Mountaintop moments are rare opportunities of perspective and clarity. Rejoice when you receive them. Praise God and write it down. Then put that paper in your pocket to retrieve when you are back in the bottoms trudging your way through the mud and fog, feeling unsure about what God is doing.
Lastly, realize that one day soon, we’ll be standing on the mountaintop of heaven and all of this mess on earth will finally make sense. We’ll be able to know that God traipsed through every day of valley beside us with divine intention. We’ll be sure of His redemption of every word and sentence in our personal narrative. And we’ll stand forever on that ridge – just like the disciples – with our hearts splitting open in worship and awe. He’ll have already built us shelters where we’ll stay with Him forever.
“Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” (John 13:7 NIV)
Lord, please give us grace to wait on understanding as we move between mountaintops. Thank You for the few and far between moments where we gain clarity, but thank You more for all the times You’ve carried us through the valley kicking and screaming. Forgive our flesh; it is still far from full sanctification. Help us cooperate even when we don’t yet understand. Please be patient with us as we learn to follow You faithfully. Amen.