Betrayal From a Friend

“It is one of the Twelve,” He replied, “One who dips bread into the bowl with Me.” (Mark 14:20 NIV)

I’ve thought quite a bit about betrayal this week, mostly because I’m camped out it Mark 14. My life is not unscathed by betrayal: a little over two years ago I was blindsided by two distance betrayals on two separate fronts. This perfect storm of treachery has affected me in every way: where I live, what I do, how much I make, who my friends are, where I go to church, how easily I trust others. It hurt my kids deeply and it lay long shadows across my reputation. After two years and a lot of forgiveness homework, I believe I am no longer bitter. I still get sad though, when I think about what could have been. Dare I say what should have been?

I came across this quote yesterday:

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”

Betrayal from an adversary is expected.
Betrayal from a friend is to be blindsided.

I think about my situation and Jesus’ situation and I’m so grateful to be understood. Betrayal is part of the human experience and this morning I realized with a startle that Jesus has factored it into our story! I now this firsthand because He’s walked with me through that painful process with each offender.

There’s grace for us to forgive and grace for us to be forgiven. We just have to believe Him enough to receive it. I think about my two wounded/wounding betrayers. One us like Peter; aware of his sin, contrite and responsive to grace. The other is still Judas; detached, distant, despondent, damned. It doesn’t need to be that way. There’s still room at the cross. There’s grace enough in Jesus. But the betrayer must receive the mercy held out to them.

“The Son of Man will go just as it was written about Him. But woe to the man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” (Mark 14:21 NIV)

The same grace that was given to Peter was offered to Judas. The thing about grace is that we have to accept it.

Lord, betrayal is maybe the most painful part of the human condition. We have been betrayed, but more consistently, we have betrayed You. Today we realize You have factored betrayal into our story: You’ve allowed grace enough. Help us receive Your forgiveness and forgive others. Let us walk in restoration power, free from guilt and grudges. Recreate us into Your image as we love each other toward the Kingdom. Amen.

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