Back to the Battle

“Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the King of Ai, his people and his land.” (Joshua 8:1 NIV)

It takes an awful lot of courage to stage a second attack after a brutal defeat. Anybody been there? Getting back on the horse after a fall, climbing behind the wheel of a car after an accident, putting yourself out there again after a bad break up, returning to church after being deeply hurt by fellow members – all of these efforts require courage. The army of Ai had whooped the Israelites, but after Achan’s exposure and consequence, God called the Isrealites back to the battle against Ai.

If we reread the account of the first battle in Joshua 7:3-5, we find no evidence of God’s leading. Joshua sent the spies in. The spies reported that the city was conquerable and Joshua mustered a few thousand troops. Their commitment was shaky and they lost thirty-six souls in the skirmish.

In the second battle, it’s all God’s idea. (Joshua 8:1-2) He called the people to strength and courage. He even issued a battle plan as He did at Jericho. Lastly, He promised the loot will belong to the people, so Joshua’s army was especially motivated the second time around. Kudos to Joshua for moving forward despite his fear.

“God told Joshua to be strong and courageous, not feel strong and courageous… God doesn’t call us to feel strong; He calls us to be strong. Choose to be strong. Choose to walk in God’s strength. Choose to be obedient.” (Jennie Lusko, The Fight to Flourish)

The attack on Ai was a brilliant military move. Thirty thousand Israeli men hid out behind the city, lying in wait. Joshua and his five thousand camped out to the west of the city. The five thousand attacked Ai and in response, Ai sent out every able-bodied man to meet the Israelites, leaving their city undefended. Israel faked defeat, allowing the Ai army to drive them back, far enough from the city that when the thirty thousand from behind the city overtook it and set it on fire they could do little about it. The Ai army looked back to find their city smoking and suddenly Joshua and his five thousand reverse course, re-engaging. As they battle, the reserve troops finish sacking the city and spill out of it’s gates into the battlefield, surrounding the of surprised and spent army of Ai and sealing their fate. Israel was victorious. Ai was plowed under, covered with rocks, never to be occupied again.

Acheological remains believed to be the ancient city of Ai.

The second battle of Ai holds a few lessons for the believer:

Sometimes God calls us back to places of defeat.

If He does, He gives us the strength, courage and strategy
required for Kingdom victory.

When we go with God, the approach and the results
are entirely different than when we go it alone.

Lord, forgive us for the times we’ve charged ahead without first consulting You. Like Joshua, we tend to get arrogant after achievement, sure that we can recreate what we’ve just accomplished. We realize that going forward without You will always, always be far more costly then first pausing to inquire about Your perfect plan. Give us strength and courage to fight when You’ve given us the green light. Amen.

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