“When the disciples are together, with the doors locked for fear of the wish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19 NIV) I stepped into the sanctuary for prayer last night; heart and mind preoccupied with the…
Author: Anna
A year or so ago I suffered a great offense. This was the kind of offense that could compel a heart batten down the hatches and never trust again. Quite honestly, since that offense it has been hard to coax my heart back out into…
“My beloved is mine and I am His.” (Song of Solomon 2:16 NIV) John Eldredge writes that divine romance is far older and much more reliable than matrimony. I’ve only been married twenty-one years and I’d have to agree. God’s love never fails. His mercies…
“The simple fact is that words kill.” (Matthew 5:22 MSG) We were at Chickfil-a last night; our little family of three gathered and giving thanks over chicken and mac and cheese. It was mid-meal when someone said something that near swept away my appetite. The…
“Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.” (Acts 9:1 NIV) Our pastor has been walking us through an eye-opening sermon series on the book of Acts. She’s asked us every Sunday and do a heart check: how do we compare the…
“For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank of angels – everyone go started in Him and finds it’s purpose in Him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to…
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” (Psalm 23:1 NIV) It’s scribbled in the margin beside this familiar verse; “You are enough.” Last night, the Lord reinforced it in the quiet arms of prayer. (I specify quiet because sometimes prayer is a rowdy affair.)…
“Turn in your old life for a Kingdom life.” (Matthew 3:11 MSG) The Message phrases scripture in words I can see. This text makes me think of a dry-cleaner’s shop: turn in your dirty clothes and pick up your clean ones. Dirty clothes usually arrive…
“And He will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure.” (Isaiah 33:6 ESV) Life is pretty fluid, at least mine seems to be. Yet, Isaiah points out; God is the stability of…
“Endure hardship as discipline, God is treating you as His children.” (Hebrews 12:7 NIV) When I was about ten, I had a friend spend the night. This friend had a markedly different personality than me: she was bold, forthright and even a bit of a…