Altering Our Agenda

“He had to go through Samaria on the way.” (John 4:4 NLT)

Jesus didn’t avoid unpopular places. He didn’t hold His breath and hurry through the unpleasant stretches of His earthly journey. Nope. Instead we find that Jesus took His time and paid attention to the people along the way. It looks like Jesus even restructured His schedule the Samaria was receptive to His teaching.

Where do we have to go that we’d rather avoid altogether? The DMV? The tax preparation place? Walmart? So often we approach these places as the Judeans did; with dread. Get in, get out, get it checked off our list. Interact with as few of people as possible along the way. With some supermarkets, we can self-checkout or set up an online pickup and avoid eye contact altogether!

I’m convicted by Jesus’ journey through Samaria. He took time. He paid attention. And He altered His agenda as needed. We read His gospel narrative and remember that people are always the priority of heaven, not to-do lists or preaching calendars. It seems that wherever Jesus went, He was all there; a hundred percent invested in the people in His proximity. He spent His days on earth being emotional and spiritually available, not just physically present. I can learn from Him.

“Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes form doing the work and the will of God who sent Me, and from finishing His work.” (John 4: 34NLT)

Jesus sought the satisfaction of a life that pleased the Father more than calories or comfort of approval of others. His all-consuming appetite was the agenda of heaven.

Lord, we have so far to grow, still. Forgive us and rearrange our cravings to coordinate with the agenda of heaven. May our desire to please You outperform every other urge. We want to live in a way that makes a Kingdom impact. Amen.

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