Abandoned For Us

“And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lea sabachthani?” (which means “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”). (Mark 15:34 NIV)

Try as I might, I cannot wrap my mind around Jesus’ suffering. I’ve read the medical accounts on crucifixion. I’ve watched the Passion of the Christ, wide-eyed and weeping. I’ve journeyed along the Via Delarosa and I’ve pressed my face to the rock of agony. I still can’t fathom the depth of His physical pain or begin to grasp the steel-nature of His resolve. He died with us in mind: potential spiritual siblings. He bore our sin so we could be welcomed into God’s family as brothers and sisters, prodigal children coming home.

We think we’ve tasted betrayal because a sibling or friend or coworker or spouse has lost sight of us amidst their personal battle with temptation. But it is nothing like what Jesus felt when the host of heaven turned their collective back. Consider a moment, Christ, loved by His Father since forever. Jesus had never endured a moment of injury in His relationship with His Dad. They had not suffered so much as a misunderstanding or an exchange of hotly-fired opinions. They had been on the same page in all things from the beginning of time until this moment: 3pm on the darkest Friday in the history of humanity. In hindsight we call it ‘good,’ but it certainly couldn’t have felt ‘good’ as it unfolded. All of heaven had to have ached at the atrocity of their beloved Son on the cross. Jesus was abandoned by His Father as He died a sinner’s death.

Jesus endured all this so we wouldn’t have to. He allowed our sin to pin Him to that cross so His blood could cover our trespasses. He crawled through divine disunity and spiritual separation so we could be embraced and empowered and connected to the Kingdom forever.

Don’t waste His death. Read the scriptures. Mentally follow Him along the journey to Golgotha. Picture His sinless frame; twisted and bloodied for our sin and choose to receive His sacrifice. Don’t let it be in vain. Step into a right relationship with the Father. Live as a son or daughter. Put away the deeds of darkness and receive the inheritance our Savior lived and died to avail to us.

“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV)

Lord, we see You, suffering on the cross and enduring divine abandonment on our behalf. Such love this is. How can we receive it? How can we repay it? We are grateful to be welcomed as sons and daughters. Humbled by such a high price paid for our souls. Glad to be included in the Kingdom of God and eager to respond in obedience. We love You. Thank You. Amen.

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