A Traveling Tabernacle

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT)

The truth is, my life is full of wrong. Wrong perceptions. Wrong motives. Wrong priorities. Wrong agenda. Wrong aspirations. Wrong valuations. My fallen factory preset is wrong.

Thankfully, scripture exposes my wrongness. The Word sheds light on all the out of alignment places, the parts of me that grate against Kingdom values. This is why we tend to pull back from the text: it hurts to know we are wrong. It’s humbling.

Scripture does not only expose us, it also corrects us. Teaches us. Redeems and restores. Our lives submitted to the Word are strengthened, surer and far more Christ-like. When this process repeated regularly, over time we become a prepared place for God’s work.

Last week we tuned into Fresh Life Church and at the end of worship, Pastor Levi talked about going to a mall at Christmastime. He reminded the congregation of holiday parking challenges and proposed that as committed shoppers in the height of consumerism, we park where we can find a space. He likened the experience to the Holy Spirit: He parks where He finds a space. He finds space in us when we’ve studied and prepared and proven ourselves to a be a willing vessel. Scripture reading, meditation and application clears the space so the Spirit can inhabit His people.

My regular study and steady application of God’s Word readies my frame for the inhabitation and influence of the Spirit. Then this flesh and blood tent becomes a traveling tabernacle of sorts. I get to take God’s presence into public school, the post office and the grocery store. He goes with me to the library and the walking trail. I can carry Him into teacher’s lounge conversations and student conversations.

It’s a little like the Chick-fil-A food truck. We reside in Weimar; it’s a full hour in any direction to a CFA store. But recently, we discovered that Chick-fil-A is sending their food truck to our town every other week. It’s expensive and it’s a limited menu, but it’s still the Lord’s chicken right here in our community. You can bet your chicken biscuits we were in that line on Wednesday afternoon, securing our supper. A chicken sandwich from the food truck is not the full experience of visiting the nationally recognized chicken franchise, but it’s a lot better than nothing.

When God settles His Spirit in us, it’s a little like that Chick-fil-A truck. It’s not the full experience of visiting His temple (a Sunday service) but it’s certainly a delicious taste of His presence and an invitation to a greater experience. As prepared spaces and Spirit-filled believers, we get the joy of being that vehicle; the traveling tent of meeting with the flavor of His presence. In an age where less than 28% of Americans attend church weekly, our traveling tabernacle becomes even more crucial.

"For we are the temple of the living God." (2 Corinthians 6:16 NLT)

Lord, today we realize the import of our study and preparation. May we rightly value scripture and allow for Your soul-searching. Help us have a willing spirit as we submit to Your correction and teaching. We long to be a prepared place for Your Spirit to park. Make us a mobile tabernacle and take us where You like as we learn to live as Your Kingdom here on earth. Amen.

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