A Seat At the Table

“Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for now everything is ready.'” (Luke 14:16-17 NIV)

Yesterday I had the privilege of sitting at a regional leadership meeting for which very few invitations went out. Basically, nine superintendents handpicked a very small team to bring to the table for the discussion of issues critical to the future of our fellowship. I honestly have no idea how my name made the list and I spent the better part of the day in awe of the spiritual leadership in the room. I took notes on their Spirit-led supervision of the delicate discussion with high hopes of bringing such a skill set back to my small church. We often paused for prayer, investing the bulk of our time together before the Father in search of His will.

The first time we bowed our heads, I personally began by thanking God for the opportunity to be in such a room. He immediately impressed upon me: as humbling and honoring as it was to be at that table, it is far more incredible to come into His presence.

Please try to wrap your mind around this: the King of heaven and earth longs for an audience with us! He set aside glory and honor and came to earth for a season and voluntarily wore our intended sinner’s death so we could come into His presence. There is no honor or privilege on earth that will ever eclipse the audience we have been afforded in Christ Jesus. We get to meet with the Lord and King of Creation. And we are offered this chance daily, my friend.

Our God and King rises before we do, He sets a table with spiritual food each morning in high hopes that we will come and dine with Him. How often do we leave the manna untouched?

“But they all like began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me. Another sin, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’ Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’ (Luke 14:18-20 NIV)

Is there an excuse good enough to stand up the King of all?

The great distraction for me in yesterday’s meeting was the empty chair across from me. A placard and goodie bag announced a invitation receipt and response, but for whatever reason, the occupant of this place setting never arrived. They missed out on the meeting of a lifetime. I’m certain their excuse is good. Please understand, I am to passing judgement. I’m simply noting a powerful illustration.

Our God invites us to His table purely for our benefit. He doesn’t require our input in the least. He is capable of making just and good decisions without us. Yet in His love, grace and mercy, He has made space for us. What excuse could possibly hold up in the light of such an invitation?

Lord, today we see anew the privilege of coming into Your presence. Thank You for this expensive invitation, we acknowledge how unmerited it is. Please forgive us for every prior excuse. May we receive this honor with humility and priority: making the meeting each and every time You set the table. Take rightful preeminence in our life. Amen.

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