“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will run with songs joy, carrying sheaves with them.” (Psalm 126 NIV)
All of Psalm 126 is a song of ascent: a hymn for hill-climbing on the way up to Jerusalem. This psalm seems to be written specifically about a post-exilic state. Yet these verses feel prophetic about heaven, too; a song about earthly sojourners finally crossing the threshold of their forever home.
When we consider this text as heavenly prophecy, we gain insight into some interesting aspects of our eternal address:
God alone is the restorer of His people. His work will be so astounding and complete that no other entity could possibly take credit. Try as we may, we are not responsible for our own destiny beyond the decision to trust Him. God is the only one who can provide the soul restoration we require. We access this restoration through relationship.
Heaven will be a dream come true. Have you ever had such a good dream that you didn’t want to awaken? And then, when morning comes and the dream dissolves, you are sad that it’s over? Only the dream of heaven will have no interruption, it will go on forever amen.
The citizens of heaven will be marked with great joy and song. Music and light will flood our hearts. I’m thinking the opening scene of LaLaLand on steroids. 🙂
The natural response to our residency in heaven will be the public declaration of the goodness of God. Every soul who relates to heaven will be here because of grace alone. The original occupants (the members of the triune God) are the only worthy inhabitants of such a holy place. In His mercy: a way has been made for sinners to receive atonement, and thus an address for each of us on a street with golden pavers.
All that has been lost to sin on earth will be restored in heaven. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but I can think of a few things right off the top of my head: purity, innocence and right relationship with others will all be regained. There will be felt absences as well: no death or decay, dust or allergies. No pain, anxiety, distrust or disbelief. No competition or comparison. No pride or jealous. I believe that the stain of sin will be so completely removed that we may hardly recognize life without it: it will be so good and so fulfilling.
Our joy in eternity will be in direct proportion to our sorrow on earth. Those who have suffered deeply within their skin will rejoice greatly in their new body. The pain of earth’s experience will gain eternal perspective and we will look back with wisdom and regard for what the Almighty was accomplishing in our story.
What hurt to bear and bury in tears on earth will produce armfuls of joy in heaven. Our God will redeem every loss and heaven will make amends for it all.
Lord, we get so excited about eternity that sometimes we want to skip ahead to the end. Help us stay focused on our Kingdom tasks today. We want to complete the work You have placed before us, even if it included pain and tears. We choose today to see pain and tears as investments in a Kingdom yet unseen. We trust Your mercy and restorative power in our stories. Please help us stay the course until I see you. Amen.