A Prayer for National Leadership

“Give your love of justice to the king, O God, and righteousness to the king’s son.” (Psalm 71:1 NLT)

Psalm 72 is a prayer for the leadership of Israel, specifically King Solomon. It’s an ancient petition to heaven, but it still serves as a powerful tutorial for our own prayers. Let’s dissect it verse by verse.

May our king be just and his children righteous. (v. 1) Typically, a son would inherit the kingdom, so the upcoming generation’s righteousness was just as crucial as the current generation.

May he treat the poor fairly. (v. 2)

May he manage the land well, that the people would live in prosperity. (v. 3)

May he defend the poor, rescue children and crush those that seek
to to harm them or profit from them. (v. 4)

May he fear God day and night, forever. (v. 5)

May his rule be refreshing. (v. 6)

May the godly flourish under his leadership. (v. 7)

May his territory be far reaching and his enemies few. (v. 8-9)

May he be respected and feared by all nations. (v. 10-11)

May he rescue the poor and champion for the oppressed. (v. 12)

May he move with empathy. (v. 13)

May he value all life. (v. 14)

Psalm 72 makes it clear, when the king is blessed, the people are blessed. While we tend to gripe and complain about our national leadership, we need to recognize our divine instruction to pray for the people in charge. Petition God to move in hearts and direct their paths.

“May the people always pray for him and bless him all day long.” (Psalm 72:15 NLT)

Lord, forgive us for our inconsistent prayer for our leadership. Today we place our president and all of our national leadership in Your capable hands. We ask You to invade their hearts and minds with Your presence. Direct their paths. Let them lead in a way that honors You. We are trusting You for the future of this nation. Amen.

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