A New Track

“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. see, now I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV)

Cross-country Amtrak travel.

I’ve always wanted to take an Amtrak some long distance. I suppose it’s a childhood fancy, brought on by too many readings of ‘Around the World in Eighty Days,‘ but I think it would be a romantic way to take in the country. I relish the idea of sitting in a well-appointed viewing car and watching the world flash by. Once, in France, my mother and sister and I took the train from Paris to Versailles; I was estatic to see the French countryside roll into view. Honestly, even the elevated train in Chicago is fun enough for me.

I’m still a bit blurry from last night’s late night conversation. It seems that anniversaries have that affect on us; they serve as annual assessment points in our story together. Where have we been? Where are we going? How are we doing? Last night’s discussion crept into the wee hours; we seem to have found our train on an entirely different track this year. The mile markers are unfamiliar, the scenery has changed. Neither of us are certain about the designated stops, but our final destination is decided and companionship is key. We are on this train together, til death do we part.

Anniversary #22.

This morning I accidentally flipped to this promise in Isaiah on my way to my current campout in Numbers. I was about to pick up with our ever-complaining Israelites, but instead I was reminded that it’s ok to be on a different track. We aren’t off the rails at all. The Author and Perfecter is still at the controls, directing us to the route of His choosing. He has started something anew, something fresh and life-giving. Something that did not, could not, be sustained before.

I am reminded again of the Israelites; always casting backward glances at what could have been. That’s the worst way to receive new things, with constant comparison to the past. It is far better to slow down and soak in the journey; to notice the changing scenery and delight in the differences.

“The old is gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

Lord, give us grace to let go of what could have been and embrace the scene before us. We know You are doing a new thing. We delight in Your ability to redeem all things. We trust You for our final destination. Amen.

2 Replies to “A New Track”

  1. Such a wonderful encouragement for our lives especially at this time. We loved the picture of the train &the view! Thank you!

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