A Heart Inventory

“No one needed to tell him about human nature, for He knew what was in each person’s heart.” (John 2:25 NLT)

Every time I work my way through the gospels, I’m accosted by the fact that Jesus knows hearts. He hears what we are thinking. Our motives are never, never hidden from Him, even when we are unaware ourselves.

We were asked to do a personal inventory at work last week: itemizing the resources, computer equipment, furniture and Star Wars toys that currently occupy our shared office. There’s now a permanent record in our personal file of the things that belong to the Thoresons.

I wonder if I did a personal inventory of my heart, how much would belong to God and how much is still mine?

If only we could go through a heart as easily as a garage or attic. What would we uncover in the rubbermaid tubs and cardboard boxes? Would a thorough personal inventory reveal all the places we’ve packed away injury or insult? Would it sweep fear out of the rafters as common cobwebs? Would it chase complacency out of the corners?

Rob and I have moved many, many times. As a result, our small family is currently living pretty lightly. This last trek to Texas involved a singular U-haul and Volvo full of cats. I know exactly what we own because I’ve been through every box, every closet and every cupboard.

But what about my heart and mind? What is still in there that is unnecessary? Unhelpful, even, to the cause of Christ?

“Create in me a clean heart, O God.” (Psalm 51:10 NLT)

Lord, help us identify and purge according to Your agenda. You know what is in us and whether or not it will serve Kingdom purpose. Walk us through this process. Make our hearts more like Yours. Free us up to serve unhindered. Amen.

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