A Full Heart

“I will give thanks with all my heart.” (Psalm 9:1 NIV)

Surrender is hard, but I believe gratitude turns the key. The greatest commandment asks that we would love God with our whole heart and we are reminded throughout the Old Testament that God is looking for those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him. It seems like a simple commitment, at least at first blush.

I rededicated my life on Labor Day weekend of 1995 and thus asked the Lord to flood my life with His presence. The thing is, in my immaturity, I failed to realize that there were whole hallways and rooms still locked to Him. Not intentionally, of course, I was unaware of their existence. Some corners of our heart remain undiscovered until the Spirit of God presses at the entry point and we resist.

My prayer evolved with this revelation: Lord, please flood every hallway. I pictured the scene in Titanic, where the water rushes through hallways, busting open staterooms.

We were in worship a few weeks ago, singing our hearts out in Sunday morning best. “Break down our pride, and all the walls we’ve built up inside.” In that moment, hands raised and soul engaged, I could see it, my heart worn thin from years of loving big and beating strong; I want the walls to crumble, to wash away with the Spirit, leaving only love in His wake. I want a heart full of Him alone: no stubborn holdouts, no hidden corners, no skeleton closets. Just a flesh and blood home for the power and presence of God.

Let’s circle back; gratitude turns the key to our hearts. Gratitude gives the Spirit clearance to start stirring up His holy water in our inner chambers. When we engage our whole hearts in thanking God, it’s tough to remain tangled up in lesser persuits; worry, comparison, fear, anger. We are full of thanks: gratitude washes it all clean and we are fully won over for Him.

“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.”
(Psalm 103:1 NIV)

“I’m thanking God from a full heart.” (Psalm 9:1 MSG)

Lord, we begin by thanking You. You have saved us from so much. You have considered our helpless estate and moved heaven and earth on our behalf. Let our gratitude lead us to a place of surrender. Reveal our holdouts and flood our hearts with Your presence. Preoccupy us with gratitude; wash away anger, fear, comparison and worry. Fill us up and let us live anew for You. Amen.

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