A Father’s Provision

“You feed them from the abundance of Your own house.” (Psalm 36:8 NLT)

Our God provides for His own. We see this so clearly in the wilderness, with the children of the Exodus picking their way toward Promised Land. God brought bread like dew on the wings of the morning. When nature’s first superfood failed to satisfy, He flew in quail and felled the fowl from the sky as hail until the Israelites had their fill. Their sandals did not break, their clothes did not tatter and fade in desert wind and sun. He paved their way with a cloud by day (bringing shade and moisture) and a fire by night (providing heat and light for His own, yet terror for their enemies).

“For forty years, I led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out.” (Deuteronomy 29:5 NLT)

My husband and I resigned our pastorate in February, thrust into our own wilderness of sorts. We’ve wandered now, seven full months and as beloved children, have experienced Father’s ongoing provision. He’s sustained us with metaphorical manna and quail. He’s provided for so much more than physical needs; He’s faithfully attended to our spiritual appetites. Each morning I wake to His Word like dew, transforming the landscape of my life.

We are in the homestretch now. I daresay, Canaan is in sight. A few more mountains lie between us and inhabiting the land: my brother’s successful move into his own dream, the sale of our hundred year old house and the completion of the parsonage we’ll soon occupy. To the outside world, these details may look like large obstacles. For me, when I consider the protection and provision of the last long season in stark country, they are small matters in the hands of an Almighty God. He has given so much, what are a couple houses and a couple moves in the mind of God?

“Since He did not spare even His own Son, but gave Him up for all of us, won’t He also give us everything else?” (Romans 8:32 NLT)

Father God, You are sovereign and You can be trusted entirely. You have sustained us always, will You not continue? We speak our trust aloud: my God will provide all my needs according to His riches and glory. We look forward to sharing the testimony of Your faithfulness, Father. We are confident in You. Amen.

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