A Dark Day

“On that day a great persecution broke out agains the church in Jerusalem.” (Acts 8:1 NIV)

The Stoning of Stephen/ The Burial of Stephen – a painting by Mariotto di Nardo

What day was this? The day that dear Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power (Acts 6:8), a man hand-chosen by the disciples to steward the feeding program of the early church, was murdered in cold-blood blood by members of the Sanhedrin in the light of day. We know it was a brutal day for the followers of Jesus.

“Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to the destroy the church.” (Acts 8:2 NIV)

The day of Stephen’s death was certainly a tipping point for the early church. Stephen was the first martyr but he would not the last. An all-out war on the gospel ignited in Jerusalem that day and spread as wildfire throughout Roman civilization.

“But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.” (Acts 8:3 NIV)

The sudden stoning of Stephen initially wounded the church. As they grieved, Saul launched an all out attack on believers. He searched homes and had Christians hauled off to prison.

But the people of God rallied and intentionally sent themselves to the ends of the earth to spread the gospel. The Jesus movement took a giant step forward because of the crushing boot of persecution.

“Those who had been scattered preached the Word wherever they went.”
(Acts 8:4 NIV)

January 6, 2021 was a dark day for our nation that will likely wind up our history books. Many opinions and conspiracies exist. I know God knows the hearts and minds of men. I suspect He alone knows the truth about what is happening in our country’s highest seats of leadership.

Some are concerned that a tectonic shift took place in our government that day, a large step away from the Christian value system that birthed this nation. If this redirection has indeed happened, as believers we have good reason to mourn. But likewise, be encouraged. Historically, persecution grows the church. Corporately: the gospel is spread as pressure is applied, but personally as well. Faith that comes at a cost becomes far more precious.

Go ahead and grieve if you need to. But then get up and get to preaching. It is the model we are handed in Acts 8 but it is also the last instructions of our Lord and Savior.

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”” (Mark 16:15 NIV)

Decide today that persecution will push you out of your comfort zone and into the great commission. Comfort has coddled the American church for far too long and it is not in the best interest of our cause. It’ good that our faith would include some sort of cost; we rarely value what we’ve received for free. The gospel of Jesus is worth laying our life down entirely.

Lord, You alone know what has happened and what is coming next. Prepare us; Your people and Your collective church, for the coming persecution that spreads the gospel. Make us strong in Your Word and Your Spirit. Discomfort us for the greatest cause on earth. Amen.

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