A Change in Plans

“God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.” (Luke 1:26-27 NIV)

Sometimes, God steps in and shatters our plans.

What is believed to be Mary’s childhood home in Nazareth;
a beautiful basilica has been built over it.

Ouch. That stings a bit, doesn’t it? But step into Joseph and Mary’s story and see the truth of it. This couple had been betrothed; all but married in the eyes of their community and their congregation. We can only guess at the length of their premarital commitment to one another, in ancient times marriages could be arranged years in advance. We know for sure that they were moving towards consummation: scripture is very clear about the state of Mary’s virtue.

Our engagement announcement.

Rob and I were engaged twenty three years this month and I remember the tangle of feelings fondly; joy, anticipation, a frenzy of planning and wonder over the future I was being invited to partake in. It’s hard to fathom all of that coming to a screeching halt because the bride is found to be pregnant by another source! What was likely intended to be a large and lively celebration was suddenly downshifted to a quiet and private exchange of vows. Joseph and Mary skipped right past the honeymoon and the first year of intimate marital bliss into the pressures of adulting: parenting, provision and paying taxes.

Mary and Joseph amaze me. It seems like they allowed the Lord to slip these precious plans from their hands blithely. Mary responded affirmatively to the angel immediately: “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38 NIV) The gospel of Matthew reads like Joseph wrestled a bit with his flesh until he had a dream where God gave him specific instructions pertaining to Mary and the child she carried. Joseph woke up and and carried them out completely.

Mary and Joseph’s premarital joy was exchanged for the shame of an unwed pregnancy. They willingly exchanged favor with their community for favor with God. My heart is pricked by their belief and obedience: I want to walk in such trust when God interferes with my plans. Joseph and Mary show a spiritual maturity that many of us old believers still lack. It seemed that they leaned into the words of of the prophet Isaiah, the ones about God’s ways being so much higher than our ways. They wound up exchanging an ordinary celebration of vows under the tent with their friends and family for an opportunity to participate in the greatest miracle of all time: the Son of God coming to dwell on earth through the womb of this brand-new and obedient family.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” decades the Lord. ”As the heaves are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV)

Lord, please forgive us for clinging to our plans when You are losing to do something significant. Like Joseph and Mary, we realize that You are God and we are beloved but subject. We intentionally loosen our grip today. Our times are in Your hands. You speak, we’ll obey. We recognize an opportunity to participate in the perfect will of heaven and we are ecstatic to be any small part of Your good plan unfolding. Amen.

2 Replies to “A Change in Plans”

  1. Really makes us think about their change in their lives but I know I cant begin to imagine what they experienced. Wow but praise the Lord they were obedient. Praise you Jesus!

    1. I can’t even imagine exercising the flexibility that the first couple did! Wow, God knew their hearts, knew they were capable of such a stretch! Thank God for their faithfulness!

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