Changing Lenses

“We see life through our losses and pain.
It clouds our ability to love, receive and grow.” 21 Days to Thrive by 45

I have these Lucky Brand sunglasses that I just love. First of all, they look pretty cool, but more than that, when I wear them, the world turns amber. It’t like an instagram filter for my eyes. When I wear these glasses, it’s continually fall; every tree in blazing glory, the afternoon light rendered pink-gold, the whole horizon warmed up considerably.

Pain and grief does the exact same thing as my sunglasses, only darker. The lens of loss colors our world and we struggle to see anything but sadness. I’ve worn those glasses, I know just how crippling they can be. It’s tough to see anything hopeful, anything lovely, excellent or praiseworthy when we are hurting so deeply. But it turns out, we aren’t stuck with those lenses. They can be exchanged. We can ask God to swap our our glasses of grief with grace and redemption. He can color-correct our vision and help us see properly again.

He can do it in a moment, but most likely a trade will take time. It will also likely require daily therapy in the word and prayer. Our eyes typically re-adjust to Kingdom sight overnight. But if we are willing, if we are persistent, our heavenly Father will heal our sight.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4 NIV)

“He heals up the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3 NIV)

Lord, help us with our vision. Pain and grief fog up our lenses and it’s hard to see the world accurately in the wake of loss. Grant us the tenacity to bring our injury to You, over and over until it’s totally healed. Correct our sight as only You can. Amen.

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