The Effort of Intimacy

“He wanted desperately to see Jesus, but the crowd was in his way – he was a short man and couldn’t see over the crowd. So he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus.” (Luke 19:3-4 MSG)

Salvation is a free gift, but intimacy is only achieved through effort. This is true of our relationship with Jesus but also our relationship with our spouse, our family, our friends and our accountability partners. Just as Zacchaeus exerted effort to haul himself up a sycamore tree to gain a unique perspective on Jesus, so we we exert ourselves through focused attention, deliberate inclusion and intentional communication.

The ‘Zacchaeus Tree” in Jericho.

Intimacy is not a static state. Meaning once it is achieved, it is not self-sustaining. No, it is a descriptive state of a relationship and relationships are organic: growing-flourishing or stagnant-dying. Intimacy will require ongoing effort to sustain. I believe this design is purposeful; relationship is what we were created for. It is our primary agenda on earth: relationship with God and relationship with each other. The organic nature of intimacy keeps us tending to it, keeps paramount relationships in the focal point of our attention.

Who in your life today could benefit from a bit of relational effort today? Run a quick systems check of your essential connections: Savior, spouse, children, friends, siblings, parents and so on. Who needs the full focus of your heart right now?

Start with Jesus. Each and every day, this is the relationship we tend to first because He is the life-source for all our other loving. Begin by putting some effort into the most powerful and transformative relationship you possess. And then, equipped with His help, start to evaluate and adjust your attention to these other imperative attachments.

“When Jesus got to the tree, He looked up and said “Zacchaeus, hurry down. Today I am going to be a guest in your home.” Zacchaeus scrambled out of the tree, hardly believing his good luck, delighted to take Jesus home with him.” (John 19:5 MSG)

Jesus always rewards our clumsy efforts at intimacy with more of Himself. Let that sink in. Any effort we expend getting closer to Him is entirely worthwhile! Unfortunately, others may not respond accordingly, but our Jesus delights in our diligent pursuit of Him. Keep this in mind as you ‘climb the tree’ to get a better view of the Savior. You will see Jesus come closer in your story. Zacchaeus found Jesus in his house. We’ll find Him in our hearts.

Dear Lord, please grow in us the tenacity to pursue greater connectivity with You. As Zacchaeus climbed the tree, we realize the true intimacy will always involve effort. May we be willing to exert that kind of effort and may we be reward with a more accurate view of You; our Lord, Savior and friend. Amen.

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