Spreading Sunshine

“Whoever governs fairly and well, who rules in the fear of God is like finest light at daybreak without a cloud in the sky…” (2 Samuel 23:3-4 MSG)

We spent the first few months with our new youth group talking about imago dei and our divine directive: subdue the earth and have dominion over it. In short, rule. We’ve noted how we’ve sullied and smudged God’s image and lost sight of our purpose. Today’s text included King David’s dying words and a strong reminder of what ruling in the image and fear of God can look like: a sunrise across a community and landscape.

Surely you’ve stood in the dark and allowed first light to sweep over your soul? It’s a holy thing; the slow and sudden transition from total darkness to thick, lovely light. It might be the most hopeful moment of each and every day. And if we can uncover and walk in God’s image, if we can govern ourselves according to His word, we can walk sunshine into every corner of our world.

Our pastor was preaching ambassadorship yesterday. She shared how we represent or re-present the Kingdom to the world around us and she compared our task to the intentional spread of hellenism in the near east. I had just read about it the day before in my New Testament Survey text; how Roman citizens were strategically planted in new territorial holdouts. These citizens were given seats in government, ministry positions in houses of worship and storefronts in the marketplace with the intent of infiltrating the culture. They socially invaded their acquired states with the pervasive mindset, traditions and entertainment of Rome with the end goal of a homogenous Roman state.

It seems that this is still the tactic of our enemy today: to pervade and dilute any Christian culture still remaining in our schools and homes and churches. Yesterday’s message and my own study of human origination and mandate has me strengthening my resolve. As ambassadors, we are appointed to bring the Kingdom with us wherever we go. And as it was for King David: ruling in the fear of God is a warm and brilliant sunrise for the those in our midst. People have been stumbling around in darkness long enough. They care who the Spirit-filled believer has to offer: hope, life, truth and authentic connections to something, Someone so much bigger than ourselves.

It begins with us. We must self-rule first. It is only when we become diligent in prayer and scripture application that we’ll see lasting changes in our own lives. When we become quick to respond to Holy Spirit correction and leading, then we’ll be equipped in season and out. When we can die to self and rise as Christ; we are ready to walk sunshine out into the world.

“Therefore we are ambassadors of Christ, God making His appeal shrug us. We implore you on behalf of christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV)

Lord, help us. Equip us. Breath your Spirit in and give us the desire and the diligence to self-rule first. Grow our muscles of discipline. Align our lives with Your word. Lead us by Your breath and let the Son shine through us today. Amen.

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