Tall Trees

“God’s Kingdom is like a pine nut that a farmer plants. It’s quite small as seeds go, but in the course of years, it grows into a huge pine tree and eagles build nests in it.” (Matthew 13:31-32 MSG)

This scripture reminds us that our existence isn’t much apart from God. Our small seed is pitiful but full of Kingdom potential. When we surrender ourselves to the Almighty; when we allow for broken burial, we can grow to something straight and strong and eternity-altering. This kind of maturity will take time and resolve. It’s a day after day concession to God’s unseen agenda. Over the years, a small surrendered life becomes a haven of renewal and rest for others, even a place where eagles can build nests: where new Kingdom life is incubated and sheltered as it grows to capacity.

Becoming a place of Kingdom rest and renewal will require full years of faithful choices, maybe even decades. But it’s a worthy goal.

For me, that looks like right choices in my most intimate relationships. It looks like daily time in the Word; systematically aligning my life with His instructions line by line, precept by precept. It looks like staying the course in my studies; stripping the most I possibly can from each class and refusing to quite when I am exhausted or distracted.

A mature life honors God. He gets the glory when we grow tall and strong and safe for others. Many small and obedient steps in the right direction result in a God-life that makes a big difference.

“Grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Glory to the Master, now and forever! Yes!” (2 Peter 3:18 MSG)

Post-fire devastation in South Dakota.

I remember driving through rural South Dakota after a forest fire. The landscape was totally burnt out; only blackened stumps stood where trees once towered. I read how a complete burnout is actually a good thing in the long run; fresh life is released in the wake of devastation. This is good news for those of us who have been stripped down; broken and buried. We are about to experience a burst of growth, a proliferation of new life. We look to 2020 with joyous expectation for the flourishing that is to come.

Lord, we long to be straight and tall lives that offer rest and renewal to others. Give us the grace to make right choices each and every day. Continually turn our faces toward You, through every season and every circumstance. Dig our roots down deep. Fortify our souls as we stretch in Your direction. Grant us diligence to sustain long obedience. Amen.

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