Surrendering to the Spirit

While he was trying to figure a way out, he had a dream. God’s angel spoke in the dream: “Joseph, son of David, don’t hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. God’s Holy Spirit made her pregnant.” (Matthew 1:20-21 MSG)

While we will not likely experience a Spirit-conceived pregnancy, it is likely that Spirit-led people will experience Spirit-led plot twists. Our flexibility in such situations will greatly depend on our opinion of the Holy Spirit’s involvement in daily life. Do we see Him as an inconvenience or as an insider? Is He interrupting or adjusting us in the direction of God’s perfect will? We can resist or we can respond. Joseph lives out a dramatic example of Spirit-surrender.

“Then Joseph woke up. He did exactly what God’s angel commanded in the dream; He married Mary.” (Matthew 1:24 MSG)

Joseph believed that the Holy Spirit had better perspective on his story than he did. We know this because his initial dream and response, but also his obedience in the three dreams thereafter. He allowed the Holy Spirit to continually direct the decisions and movements that affected his family. We can learn from his diligence. The Spirit spoke and he gave way. He lived a surrendered life in the most intimate areas: including but not limited to spousal selection, sexual abstinence, international relocation and long-term habitation.

The home in Nazareth where it is believed that Jesus grew up.

Through the long lens of scripture, we see how the Holy Spirit weaved Joseph’s story together in direct protection of the holy family and supreme loyalty to Kingdom agenda. We can trust the same level of Spirit attention in our personal details.

Lord, please give us the courage to live Spirit-led. We look at Joseph’s example of surrender in the most personal aspects of his life and we are convicted. Feel free to speak to us through dreams and visions and strong impressions. Lead us in Your direction by Your Spirit. Amen.

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