The Mental Lever

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but give us power,
love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)

As I read this scripture this morning, I pictured a large lever in the control tower of my mind, like a throttle on an engine. We have options. We can either pull back, toward Self in fear and timidity. Or we can push forward, toward God, in power, love and a sound mind.

A quick sketch of our mental lever.

Again, we must remember who exactly authors our fear. We recall how we want nothing to do with our enemy and the works he produces. Fear is not for us and he is not for us. He is only ever for himself. He thinly disguises his agenda in our desires, pulling the strings purely for his benefit, not ours.

On the other side of our flesh is a good that benefits all believers. When we push the throttle toward God, we push into power, love and self-discipline that edifies the entire Kingdom.

The agenda of self serves one. The agenda of heaven serves the whole congregation; all who call Christ the King.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power.” (Ephesians 6:10 NIV)

Lord, it is tempting to lean in to fear and self: that is what is still the most comfortable: that is what is still the most comfortable. Help us to seethe lever in our own mind and lean into You with all our weight We believe Your word when it promises power, love and wisdom are readily available to us as citizens of heaven. Give us the guts to act on that belief. Amen.

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