Full Attention

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worried about what might or might not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”
(Matthew 6:34 MSG)

It’s been creeping in on me; the burgeoning reality of our boy moving away to college. Eight days till we load up all his earthly possessions and set out on the long road south toward his wide open future. He’s already begun packing up his room. Every time I go in there, the walls are a bit more bare, the space is a bit more sparce. I wonder, how am I going to get along when a fourth of my heart is five states away? I look at this coming week as our last few days as a family of four Thoresons, the end of an amazing era that began when we brought his baby sister home fifteen years back.

Me and my boy, my pride and joy.

Fear and sadness want to sneak in, more than ready to snatch up my last few opportunities to deeply connect. Thankfully, I stumbled across this scripture in this translation just last night: “Give your full attention to what God is doing right now…” Right now, I happen to be home full-time. Right now, all my babies are still in the nest, at least for another few days. Right now his baritone voice still rumbles over our oak floors and his laughter bounces off our walls. Right now, we are all together and I will not waste one moment of the fleeting treasure called today.

And when the time comes to crawl back in the car with one less person, I can trust God to help me deal with whatever hard thing happens. I needn’t fret, I need only focus my full attention on what God is doing today and believe He’ll meet me anew tomorrow, too.

“Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other…
and cultivate thankfulness.” (Colossians 3:15 MSG)

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift called ‘today’. Please keep me from squandering it with unproductive worry about what comes next. Let me live these hours with eyes wide, watching You at work. May my heart sing with gratitude for the good life You’ve gifted me. Amen.

4 Replies to “Full Attention”

    1. I have known y’all since both your babies were ittie bitty. You and Rob have been great parents to your children. I am so very proud of all you. He will do great and flourish because he has had a great base to build on. You will cry a lot a first but you will then rejoice in all his accomplishments. Love to all!

    2. I have known y’all since both your babies were ittie bitty. You and Rob have been great parents to your children. I am so very proud of all you. He will do great and flourish because he has had a great base to build on. You will cry a lot a first but you will then rejoice in all his accomplishments. Love to all!

      1. Thank you, Linda. They sure have grown. We appreciate the encouragement. We push them out of the nest and wonder, have we done a good job? Time will tell. 🙂 We had good material to work with. 🙂 Bless you!

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