Putting Our People on Planes

"But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph's brother, with the others, because he was afraid that harm might come to them." (Genesis 42:4 NIV)

I took my kids to the airport this morning. They aren’t little people any longer, and the phrase ‘mid-size people’ seems insulting, but they certainly aren’t full-fledged adults to date. Truth be told, it’s still tough put them on planes and entrust them to places and people apart from my care.

In the minutes before our 5am departure, I recognized Jacob’s hesitancy with his own near-grown children. He wasn’t ready to let Benjamin out of his sight, especially after what happened with Joseph. His quiver was still down an arrow and he wasn’t about to let that happen again. He believed his favorite sons were safer in his own custody.

As protective parents, aren’t we guilty of the same bias?

And isn’t it a whisper-thin illusion of control? It only takes a hurricane, car accident or health scare for us to realize that we are not really worthy protectors of our offspring. We may have our wits and our wealth and our Blue Cross Blue Shield card, but a good crisis fells us all the same.

I thought about old Jacob and his son’s unforeseen foray into Egypt and I thought about how God goes with. He’s with you wherever you go (WYWYG) but He’s just as adamantly with our kids. Hallelujah!

Look again at Joseph; for all intents and purposes dead to his earthly father, but thriving in a foreign country in the care of his heavenly Father. Three times over, the text assures us “the Lord was with him”.

We parents can take heart, the same God that went with Joseph to Egypt goes with our kids to the playground, to Chicago for a fun weekend, to the marketplace and the missions field. He graciously picks up where our parenting limitations drop off.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9 NIV)

Lord, today we pack up our people and entrust them into Your tender care. We have confidence that even if the worst happens, You are with them and Your Kingdom is coming. Have your way in the lives of our family members and grow our surety in Your sovereignty in this day. We’re grateful again for new opportunities to trust in You. Amen.

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