Not Done Yet

“But no, I am not finished with you yet.” (Jeremiah 46:28 MSG)

Judah has messed up big time. They’d utterly lost their way. They’d abandoned the God who who had rescued them from Egypt and sustained them in the wilderness; exchanged Him for deaf mute gods. They’d defiled the Temple and themselves and judgement day was upon them. The Babylonians were beating down their doors. The country was invaded, the city was sacked and only the poorest of the poor were left behind to eek out a living.

But God made it clear He wasn’t finished with them yet.

Someone needs to know that this morning. It doesn’t matter whether you are moving on or out, whether you are just starting out or just throwing in the towel. Every birth is first a death of womb-life and every death is a first breath birth of eternal life. God’s not done. He’s never done pursuing our hearts, running after relationship with us.

Perhaps you are turning a page today. Yesterday is behind you and the God of the universe is for you. Like the Israelites, we need to realize how much He’s with us, how He longs to live and walk and talk in relationship with us. Go ahead and grieve the ending, but then get fired up about the fact that we get to begin again in Him.

Lord, we forget You are for us. Forgive us for misplacing this truth, for losing our way and even turning from You. Today, in this new beginning, we intentionally turn toward You. We trust You as our One True God; our provider sustainer. Amen.

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