Trip Anticipation

"There is more than enough room in My Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you will always be with Me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going." (John 14:2-4 NLT)

I woke up thinking about the joy that happens when we plan a trip. With 49 days until our flight to Italy, I’m deep in the throes of planning. I’ve got my capsule wardrobe assembled. My packing list is undergoing regular revision. I’m breaking in my walking shoes and putting together an in-flight reading list. The preparation is all part of the fun!

Many days, in my mid-afternoon math class, my mind wanders to our Italian adventure. Ancient churches and sinking cities are far more interesting than anything x or y has to offer. The dream of our anniversary trip is a welcome distraction from my least favorite subject.

This morning, though, my waking thoughts were not Italy-specific. I was instead reveling in the sheer amount of joy that I derive from the anticipation of an upcoming trip. I know I’m not alone. Many vacationers experience pleasure long before arriving at their destination. They feel happy simply thinking about the places they’re about to visit. The German’s value this feeling so much that they have a word for it.

Vorfreude (n.)

Origin: German
Definition: The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.

Lots of us appreciate the preamble of our adventures. Studies show it may attribute to as much as a third of the joy of the overall journey! I can attest to this. In the last twenty years, I’ve been blessed to see Paris, Cancun, Portugal, and Turkey. Each exploit has been happily anticipated: the six months or so lead-up is ample opportunity to research, purchase and pack whatever may be required for a fantastic trip. Turns out here is joy in every leg of the journey: even the stationary, preparative portion before we take off.

Jesus’ words in John 14 are about heaven. He told His disciples and His readers: “I am going to prepare a place for you.” Jesus has already embarked on the journey Home and, in a little while, He’s going to bring us there also.

We will be staying with dear friends in Italy. They’ve resided in country for a few years now, and have learned the lay of the land and a bit of the language. They will be our guides and companions on our Italian adventure. There is a lot of comfort knowing they’ve already figured things out. They’ve got their guest room ready and the travel itinerary all planned out. You might say they have prepared a place for us. They are setting us up for a great adventure.

A few months ago, I changed my phone’s home screen. This image reminds me all day, every day, of where I’m headed in 49 days.

As great as it will be to paddle through Venice and wander through Rome, I know our incredible anniversary trip cannot compare to the last and best country I’ll ever visit, the one where Jesus and His family live and reign. In His gracious hospitality, He has prepared a room for every one who believes in Him.

One of the ways we turn can turn up the joy in this life is by actively anticipating the next. We know where we are going. Wouldn’t it make a daily difference if we spend some time looking forward to it> Wouldn’t it be encouraging and helpful to remember that this aching, breaking, dying firmament is not our final adventure? There is a horizon beyond. Our tickets have been purchased. Our flight confirmed. One day, we’ll meet Him in the sky and together we’ll go on to a new country. A better country.

"But they were looking for a a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them." (Hebrews 11:16 NLT)
"In a little while you will not see Me anymore. But a little while after that, You will see me again." (John 16:16 NLT)

Lord, this life is frustrating and tough. We struggle against our short-sighted nature and soul amnesia. Wake us up to the reality of heaven. Give us vision for our Home Country and stir up anticipation in our hearts. Fill us with joy as we look forward to our last epic journey. Prepare us, even as You prepare a place for us. Amen.

PS: it turns out there are a whole host of interesting words about travel. Take a quick trip to this article to learn more!

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