"The Lord is good, a strong refuge to those when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him." (Nahum 1:7 NLT)
Last week, a tornado touched down in Deer Park, TX. Though the twister caused tons of damage, no one died. In the first few hours, information was scarce and several of our friends marked themselves ‘safe from the tornado in Deer Park’ on Facebook. It was a comfort to friends and family.
This scripture has a similar sentiment. When we tabernacle with God, we tabernacle in a safe place. He is a strong tower, a refuge to those in need. We don’t talk about towers too much these days, but that’s because we live in relative peace. Nahum’s original audience didn’t have such luxury.
Towers come in hand in wartime. They are typically built from stone and mortar. Before black powder was invented in the 9th century, towers were quite impenetrable. Additionally, a tower affords a great view in all directions and the high ground in any attack. Tower-dwellers had the advantage.
God isn’t messing around when He refers to Himself as a strong refuge in our time of trouble. In fact, according to the preceding verse, God may be one stirring up the trouble. As much as we love to talk about His love and mercy, He is also righteous and just. There is a day of judgment coming. He warns His people through the prophet Nahum: vengeance is coming and You can’t hide from My wrath.
Nahum reminds us: we survive this wilderness existence by staying in the tabernacle. His presence protects us from both the hazards of the world and the judgement of a just and holy God. His Spirit residing in our personhood is just the shelter we require. To turn from Him is to turn toward our own destruction.
Rob and I have been walking along online with a church through their 21 Day Fast and the repeated theme throughout has been making space for more of God. It’s been a great comfort to find a community echoing the cry of our own hearts. Making room for God is the priority of the Daily Office, and really, the priority of our lives as we make our way across the desert landscape between here and heaven.
"The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." (Proverbs 18:10 NIV)
Lord, you are our strong tower and today we have a surer grasp of it. What a wonder that we find protection from You, in You! What grace You exhibit when we humble ourselves. Help us make space in our hearts, learning to hold You closer still. Knit our souls to Your presence. May we resist abandoning You for even a moment. You remain our refuge in a world wild with risk. Amen.