What Consumes Us?

“Zeal for your house consumes me.” (Psalm 69:9 NIV)

This scripture was written by David in the psalms but also recognized in Christ by His disciples as He overturned the tables in the Temple and disrupted the moneychangers. Jesus was consumed by His love and allegiance to God’s house: the physical expression of God’s spiritual presence on earth. We read this and realize that if we are being made like Christ, zeal for God could consume us as well.

This text begs us to ask the question; what currently consumes us? What are we most worked up about, focused on? What fills our thoughts and motivates our actions?

The racketeers and money changers in the Temple make an obvious connection for us. It’s easy to lose our lives to turning a profit, in getting ahead and collecting stuff. By my understanding, these trade tables were in the King’s Portico, mere steps away from the Temple and the Cloud of Glory. Close in proximity, but distant by distraction. To be so near to God, yet still consumed by the affairs of this life, what a tragedy!

A model of the Temple. note the long porch on the left end of the picture;
the Royal Portico where the money changers were positioned.

Yet, what could be said of us? We go to church. We play K-LOVE endlessly in the car and worship music permeates our home. We read scriptures daily, post it on our walls and phone lock screens, but are we are consumed with things of God?

What holds our zeal? Take a moment to search your heart. It might be getting ahead or collecting stuff. It might also be sports; playing or watching or placing bets. It might be Pinterest; pinning and projects alike. Educational pursuits, hunting, entertaining, antique car-collecting, Poshmark or house-flipping all vie for our attention. How will we know if we are being consumed? What happens when we hold it up next to the hope of heaven, which shines brighter?

I get it. It’s hard to perceive the world to come as even more real than the world we can touch and hear and see. That is why we must stay in the conversation with the Father about what really is true and lasting. We need to endless hear of and consequently hope for heaven. We need to know about His plans for the restoration of all things and His deep desire for relationship with us and everyone. As we listen and learn, our zeal will grow. Our joyful anticipation of the Kingdom to come will soon eclipse any distraction down here.

Yesterday, in church, our pastor-friend preached on Hebrews 11; the famous hall of faith. All the stories of the saints stirred up my heart anew for heaven. These believers listed by name –“‘and others” – died without receiving the fullness of what they hoped for, breath still held for reality they hadn’t yet seen. But it doesn’t mean they didn’t cross over into a better country – it means we can’t perceive it until it’s our turn to enter. Just as the exit of a dark womb surely feels like death within it’s own walls, we know the burst of life that occurs on the other side. I believe, with all my being, that our physical death here marks a spiritual birth in heaven that is just as remarkable. And the zeal: the hope of living in the unbroken presence and relationship of God – that consumes me. It’s great than any profit, any acquisition, any hobby or interest or education I spend myself on. Like my Savior, I long to live consumed with zeal for the agenda of Heaven.

“They were longing for a better country, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, He has prepared a city for them.”
(Hebrews 11:16 NIV)

Lord, let us live consumed but the things that will last forever instead of the temporary trappings of this life. Fill our hearts and minds with the hope of heaven, let it become more real than the gourd beneath our feet. Fill us with zeal of Your House and a desire to delight in You. Amen.

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