Cleaning Out Closets

“Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.” (John 14:23 NLT)

When folks visit, they tend to comment on the order of our home. My husband actually teases, “Anna likes to keep our house like no one lives here.” But truth be told, I have quite a few hidden places that I am not proud of. The bathroom closet, the cupboard under the kitchen sink; the cabinet where we keep the tupperware. These are not the spaces I display to company. I’d prefer my visitors did not see my most unkempt corners.

If we aren’t traveling to see family, I like to deep clean during the week between Christmas and New Years. It’s a typically a time free from commitments; ample opportunity to sort through the clutter, wipe down the baseboards and take a load or two in for donation. It feels good to start the next season with a clean house.

Yesterday, I returned to school. Honestly, I wasn’t thrilled about it and in the last few moments before leaving the house, I invited Rob to join me for a five minute Pause in an attempt to get our hearts in the right shape for the day ahead. It was perfect. We sat in our chairs and as the first notes played and I closed my eyes to picture my heart as a home, ready to invite God in. Almost immediately I could see a low fog creeping up the front steps; through the open door, past the foyer, into the living and dining space. Mentally I started throwing open doors; hall closets and lower cabinets, junk drawers and out of the way spaces. I knew that fog represented the Spirit of God and I was giving Him full access. No hold-outs, no secrets. Our five minutes came and went. The soothing voice on Pause went quiet, but the spiritual picture remained.

Later in the day, I had opportunity to share the experience with friends. As we prayed into it, the fog was compared to a cloud and in the same breath, I recalled the cloud of glory over the Jewish camp making their way through the wilderness. Encouragement and challenge overcame me. My tabernacle is slowly but surely coming under the cloud.

In 2023, I’m committing to giving God complete access. I’ve shoved things to out of sight and reach for far too long. Peter Scazzero reminds us: silence and solitude are the way we make time and space to sort through the discard in our closets and attics.

“Go, sit on your cell, your cell will teach you everything.”

Abbott Moses

Time in our home with God; with open doors and open hearts will eventually clear out the clutter. The deep cleaning will surely prepare space for more of His Spirit.

“I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one.” (John 17:22 NLT)

Lord, today we are glad for the opportunity to sit in our discomfort with You. Give us courage to throw open the doors and invite Your Spirit in. Don’t hold back. Have Your way in the far corners and reaches of our life. Clean us out and make us new. Set us in order for the seasons to come. Amen.

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