Turning Down the Volume

"Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!" (Isaiah 40:3 NLT)

I read this scripture in the early hours of Sunday morning, right before I preached about the wilderness we’re all traipsing through. I don’t understand it, but this dry, dusty, turn by turn following is somehow turning us into God’s people.

It’s funny, the night before I noted the status update of a friend and fellow blogger “Going dark for Advent. See you in 28 days.” Just like that, a seed was planted in my mind. Perhaps such a social stillness would serve my soul well. December seems to be just the sort of sacred season to turn down the noise of social media. I thought about it a while and wondered if I’d remember it in the morning. I don’t believe in rushing into fasts. If it’s God, He’s persistent.

Sunday morning, the thought was still there, laying open in my mind like an invitation. Then the youVersion verse of the day nearly shouted it: “Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord!” I can turn down the volume and make room to hear from God by simply logging off for a month. Delete a few apps and delete distractions. This kind of quietude might just make this the most meaningful Advent yet.

It makes sense: my year began in stillness. God gave me a word to help me find my way all the way through 2022. It is only fitting that we would conclude with the same singular focus.

"He says, "Be still, and know that I am God' I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

When we read on a little farther and we discover the Christmas promised nestled right there in the Psalms.

"The Lord Almighty is with us'" (Psalm 46:11 NIV)

When we commit to stillness, God commits to with-ness. Perhaps the premier way to invite Him into our advent experience is to set aside the distractions and slow our souls to His pace once more.

Lord, I recommit to stillness in this season. We long to hear from You. We cannot make our way through the wilderness apart from Your leading. Quiet our hearts in this sacred season. Steady our souls as we seek Your companionship. Let Your voice be the loudest. Speak to us in this holy stretch, we avail ourselves to You alone. Amen.

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